How to get success in job Fare?
Dear friend first of all you should set up the following parameter.
just think what you want to do after 10 year weather you wann to join the
software industry of wann to move to hardware part.
Focusing on that particular abstarct you can decide which type of jobs you can apply and where the hard work is need.
This is for sure if you think of sliding to a particular way the work itself pay you for your hard work.
We are all engineering students and the companies which comes to every college are infosys and TCS in my campus infosys was the company which came for the recruitment and some of all were selected in the process but what about those who cant make it ??????
The big question which comes to everyone mind is that what we should do now?????? i too experiance so much of it .
I dont loose the hope i was like the neophyte but on the otherhand i was also helpless i was alone dont have the contacts with my senior at all, this was very difficult for me to choose the right path.
I start attending job fare and attended about tens to teweles but nothing comes out ya i got the xeperiance but at my night sleep i think only that i was the unemployed.
Look friend you cant be a millianior in one night or a day , dont comes under the pressure that your other friends are placed , its fact we waste our lots of time thinking that our fellow are placed and we still in miseary, nothing comes out of it .
6) Be active and appear in all interview.
7) Always keep updated copy of your resume.
8) learn languages like c c++ java and most of it improve your english.
to be continued....................................
Dear friend first of all you should set up the following parameter.
just think what you want to do after 10 year weather you wann to join the
software industry of wann to move to hardware part.
Focusing on that particular abstarct you can decide which type of jobs you can apply and where the hard work is need.
This is for sure if you think of sliding to a particular way the work itself pay you for your hard work.
We are all engineering students and the companies which comes to every college are infosys and TCS in my campus infosys was the company which came for the recruitment and some of all were selected in the process but what about those who cant make it ??????
The big question which comes to everyone mind is that what we should do now?????? i too experiance so much of it .
I dont loose the hope i was like the neophyte but on the otherhand i was also helpless i was alone dont have the contacts with my senior at all, this was very difficult for me to choose the right path.
I start attending job fare and attended about tens to teweles but nothing comes out ya i got the xeperiance but at my night sleep i think only that i was the unemployed.

There are some tips that i wann to share with you :
1) whenever you go for the job interview always check about the company profile.
2) first step when you enter the job fair: search for the interviewer his name and linkedin it, its a professional site most of the well known employer have the account in it and check weather he or she belongs to the company you are applying for.
3) Reach in time most important.
4) Always make friends of that particular college whenever you go for fair.
5) Take experiance of interview including BPO or Sales definitely add to you some quality.6) Be active and appear in all interview.
7) Always keep updated copy of your resume.
8) learn languages like c c++ java and most of it improve your english.
to be continued....................................
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